Bali Star Cooking Class

Bali Star Cooking Class - Rating:
53 votes
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Recipes prepared
  • Morning Class

Sayur urab
Tempe manis
Bali sate lilit
Nasi goreng
Opor ayam

  • Afternoon Class

Babi kecap
Sate isi
Jukud ares

What the activity look like?

Bali Star cooking class is implementing a class for you in the morning and also in the afternoon. If you do it in the morning, the activities will start from pick you up directly from your hotel lobby. You will be invited you directly going to the traditional market for buy an ingredients to make condiments, a various kinds of vegetables and meat. After that you will be taken to a restaurant kitchen to learn concocting the recipe which is owned mainstay of Bali Cooking Class. You will be taught how to cook by the chef who is experienced. If you actually take the class in the afternoon only difference you are not invited to the traditional markets, but the material has been provided in the restaurant kitchen.

Bali Star Cooking Class offers activities which is preferable to the lovers of culinary tourism. Besides being able to taste the food that you learn, Bali cooking class will teaches you how make Balinese Cuisines correctly. Recipe combines specially that have a very distinctive flavor makes this school is unbelievably popular nowadays. The chef is very experienced in food processing. All knowledge will be taught to you, so when you finish holiday in Bali can practice your knowledge at home.

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